Pulsu(m) Plantae en HIP3ORGANICOS

“Hiperorgânicos III”, an international event composed of an OpenLab and Symposium that will take place at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro between 16th-19th of October 2012. This initiative is part of a series of OpenLabs (Hiperorgânicos I and II) organized by NANO/UFRJ, that focus on artistic methods, substantiated by locally and telematically exchanges between artists and researchers through workshops, meetings and seminars.

Hiperorgânicos III is sponsored by FAPERJ (Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), with the support of FUNARTE (Brazilian National Foundation for the Arts), RNP ( National Research Network) and EBA-UFRJ (School of Fine Arts at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). The OpenLab will take place from the 16th to the 18th between 9AM to 5PM (Brazilian Time) with real time Internet connection and data transmission. The focus of the activities is the investigation on emergent organisms connected through environments telematically mediated. Emphasis is brought to the experimentalism with natural and artificial systems and the participatory interactive experience through performance. At 1 PM, each day of the OpenLab, we will be holding a lounge session with talks from our invited overseas guests.



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