Microhm is the alias of the Mexican electronic artist Leslie Garcia.
Her practice drifts between her projects with the Interspecifics collective and her life as a producer and dj. The music she produces seeks above all to create states of emotional immersion that she approaches with a wide range of technical and musical resources. She brings together influences from different generas with an experimental perspective, placing her as one of the most gifted Latin American sound artists (pitchfork) . Her dj facet is distinguished above all by her sound appetite, as a music lover her sets are complex rhythmic journeys that she defines as dance rituals. Her album “Eternal Night” was published in 2018 with the Tijuana label Static Discos. During 2019 she published “Inmaterial Energy Waves”. A live dark ambient improvisation with the CDMX Vorágine label. At the beginning of 2020 she presented “Infinita Incertidumbre” with the Mexican label LowMute, as well as the single “Kyoke” for the Yu Yu club compilation and “Abrazo” for Vol1. Sounds in Resilience of the LGTB+ Oris label. In 2021 she releases “Lost in Elastic Time” on the Ecuadorian label También and Space Time Foam with the Mexican crew Antimateria Sonora. In 2023 she joins the American label Detroit Underground where she presents LES -1. During 2024 she presented, Desvanecer and Entrelazada in Infinite Machine and Terminal .
Labels: Infinite Machine, Detroit Under Ground, Terminal .
Microhm es el alias de la artista mexicana de medios electrónicos y digitales Leslie García.
Su práctica deriva entre sus proyectos de arte electrónico con el colectivo interspecifics y su vida como productora y dj. La música que produce busca sobre todo crear estados de inmersión emocional que aborda con una amplia gama de recursos técnicos y musicales. Reúne influencias de diversos géneros con una perspectiva experimental, situándola como una de las artistas sonoras latinoamericanas más interesantes de su generación (pitchfork). Su faceta dj se distingue sobre todo por su apetito sonoro, como amante de la música sus sets son complejos viajes rítmicos a los que ella define como rituales de baile. Su álbum “Eternal Night” fue publicado en 2018 con el sello tijuanense Static Discos, así como los singles, “With you”, “Espectral” y “Servicio Magnético” (2019). Durante 2019 publicó “Inmaterial Energy Waves”. Una improvisación de dark ambient en vivo con el sello de CDMX Vorágine. A principios del 2020 presentó “Infinita Incertidumbre” con el sello mexicano LowMute, así como el single “Kyoke” para el compilado del club Yu Yu y “Abrazo” para Vol1. Sonidos en Resiliencia del sello LGTB+ Oris. En 2021 lanza “Lost in Elastic Time” en el sello ecuatoriano También y Spce Time Foam con el crew mexicano Antimateria Sonora. En 2023 se une al sello estadounidense Detroit Underground donde presenta trabajo LES -1. Durante 2024 ha presentado, Desvanecer y Entrelazada en los sellos Inifinite Machine y Terminal
Sellos: Infinite Machine, Detroit Under Ground, Terminal .

Released EP:
- Entrelazada [ Terminal ] : https://on.soundcloud.com/owzhf3vP9feYsMYu6
- Desvanecer [ Infinite Machine] : https://on.soundcloud.com/P4G23EZ7bBDa7VMs8
- LES-1 [Detroit Underground]: https://microhm.bandcamp.com/album/les-1
- Space Time Foam: https://antimateriasonora.bandcamp.com/album/microhm-space-time-foam-ep-as013
- Lost in Elastic Time :https://tambien.bandcamp.com/album/lost-in-elastic-time
- Transmutation: https://orislabel.bandcamp.com/album/transmutation
- Fire Rituals: https://microhm.bandcamp.com/album/fire-rituals
- Infinita Incertidumbre :https://lowmute.bandcamp.com/album/microhm-infinita-incertidumbre-ep
- Inmaterial Energy Waves: https://microhm.bandcamp.com/album/inmaterial-energy-waves
- Eternal Night:https://microhm.bandcamp.com/album/eternal-night-ep
Released singles:
- Abrazo : https://orislabel.bandcamp.com/track/abrazo
- Kyoke : https://yuyuclub.bandcamp.com/track/kyoke
- Espectral: https://microhm.bandcamp.com/track/espectral-single
- With you: https://microhm.bandcamp.com/track/with-you-single
- Servicio Magnético: https://microhm.bandcamp.com/track/servicio-magn-tico-single
Released Mixtapes:
- Microhm @ TraTraTrax: https://on.soundcloud.com/Tnsjm7EuE2rWTXhv7
- Microhm @ Dublab: https://on.soundcloud.com/YiA3dMfN6SXaKoH96
- House of Leo- Microhm b2b Milena Pafundi: https://soundcloud.com/im-microhm/house-of-leo-yu-yu-fragmento
- Microhm b2b Chanty XP: https://soundcloud.com/im-microhm/microhm-b2b-chanty-xp_ext-speed-moment
- Lost In Sound VOL.1 : https://soundcloud.com/im-microhm/microhm-lost-in-sound-vol-1
- XLR8R : https://xlr8r.com/podcasts/podcast-602-microhm/
- Pantamuzik show : https://soundcloud.com/im-microhm/microhm-threads-radio
- Becoming Cyborg: https://soundcloud.com/im-microhm/becoming-cyborg-microhm-dj-set
- Navegantes Nocturnos: https://soundcloud.com/im-microhm/mixtape-navegantes-nocturnos
Latam Tapes Series:
- VOL.4 @ NTS RADIO – CDMX TAPES: https://on.soundcloud.com/6Pz7B
- SLOW IS SEXY: https://on.soundcloud.com/b35Kh
- VOL.2: https://on.soundcloud.com/1WbTb
- VOL.1: https://on.soundcloud.com/mYkyu